Become a Partner

Become a food distribution partner

We partner with community-based organizations and nonprofit partners that serve low-income people.

View a list of our current partners.

To become a food distribution partner in Santa Clara or San Mateo Counties, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit your inquiry online.
  2. For additional questions, contact us:
    Compliance and Capability Team
    408-266-8866, ext. 267
  3. Wait to hear from the Compliance and Capability Team to further explore the partnership.
  4. Program and geographic needs assessment will be conducted along with an onsite visit if appropriate.

Become a Food Connection partner

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Food Connection Application Assistance Partners (FCAAP)

Help create a hunger-free community. FCAAP agencies assist with CalFresh and Second Harvest program applications and referrals.

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Host Partners

Promote Food Connection specialist visits at your agency.

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Referral Partners

Ask your clients about their food needs. Submit referral forms so a Second Harvest representative can call clients back and connect them to the most appropriate resource.

To become a Food Connection partner, follow these steps:

  1. Contact us:
    Second Harvest of Silicon Valley
    Kelly Chew, Director of Services
    408-266-8866, ext. 113
  2. If interested in becoming an Application Assistance Partner, please review the FCAAP Agency MOU.