Nutrizione in azione: ricette sane dal nostro cuore al tuo February is here and we are ready to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day with chocolate, roses and much love. It's also American Heart Month! This celebration reminds us we have [...]
Suggerimenti per i prodotti primaverili Kale Tofu Barbabietole Cavolini di Bruxelles Rapa Ravanello Bok Choy Carciofo
Termini di servizio per l'invio di messaggi di testo Texting Terms of Service 1. When you opt-in to the service, we will send you an SMS message to confirm your signup. By texting FOOD, COMIDA, 食物, [...]
Nutrizione in azione: conosci questi frutti e verdure primaverili? Our winter "Unfamiliar Produce" posters have been super successful! Our partner agencies were very excited to display them at their distributions and pantries. We've also heard from several clients they [...]
risorse Resources Resources for your drive We want to help you make your drive a success. We have resources that will help you get organized [...]
Il secondo raccolto della Silicon Valley entra nella stagione critica delle donazioni natalizie con un deficit di finanziamento Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
Pasti estivi gratuiti e salutari per bambini e ragazzi If you need help getting food this summer, there are over 120 locations offering food in Silicon Valley. No paperwork or identification is required. For free, healthy summer meals for [...]
Comidas de verano gratuitas y saludables para niños y adolescentes Si necesita ayuda para obtener comida este verano. Hay más de 120 lugares que ofrecen comida en los Condados de Santa Clara y San Mateo. No se requiere documentación o [...]
Opportunità di volontariato individuali Individual Volunteer Opportunities We need people like you You can volunteer to build a hunger-free community. Make an immediate difference in Silicon Valley by signing up for [...]