La nostra risposta alla chiusura del governo A sense of urgency characterized the last weeks of January, for our commitment to ensuring access to healthy food necessitated a quick response during the government shutdown. Media coverage [...]
Il secondo raccolto della Silicon Valley entra nella stagione critica delle donazioni natalizie con un deficit di finanziamento Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
Le scuole sono un ottimo posto per raggiungere bambini affamati La Oak Grove High School aiuta i suoi studenti ad avere successo con una dispensa scolastica mensile e carrelli mobili di Second Harvest. Leggi di più sul loro impatto sulla giovane Alejandra.
Food for Fines del Distretto delle biblioteche della Contea di Santa Clara On April 7, our staff was very excited to attend Santa Clara County Library District's launch event of its first ever "Food for Fines" Program! From Left to Right: Diane [...]
Colleen Murphy: festeggia i 10 anni di fame Ten years ago, on her birthday, Colleen received a phone call, informing her that she got a job at Second Harvest. With great excitement, she responded it was the best [...]