콜린 머피: 기아 퇴치 10주년 기념 Ten years ago, on her birthday, Colleen received a phone call, informing her that she got a job at Second Harvest. With great excitement, she responded it was the best [...]
Bringing Food Home Thuy Le, Second Harvest Partnership Manager, distributes food to Valley Palms residents The Second Harvest truck arrives at Valley Palms apartment complex at 7 a.m. on the [...]
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley, 2022/2023 회계연도 이사회 이사 6명 임명 "다양한 개인적, 직업적 경험을 통해 우리 이사회는 모든 사람이 영양가 있는 음식에 접근할 수 있도록 보장한다는 사명을 이행하기 위해 보다 다양한 관점을 통해 조직적 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다."
더 많은 맛, 더 적은 소금: 맛있는 요리를 즐기는 죄책감 없는 방법 Written by: Diana Garcia, Nutrition Education Manager Recently, in a class, I was asked why Second Harvest doesn’t distribute fresh herbs. I replied that I thought herbs are not [...]
영양의 실제 작용: 안녕하세요, 회향 In the past month, we've seen fennel at many of our food distributions. Most of our members are unfamiliar with it, so our food demos have been very successful [...]