자주 묻는 질문 Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find fun or creative fundraiser ideas? Do you have resources I can use to help promote my fundraiser? How long [...]
5 Reasons Why You’ll Love Our New Fundraising Page The holidays can be a magical time filled with festive gatherings, family traditions and abundant food. However, many find the season to be a painful reminder that budgets are [...]
문자 메시지 서비스 약관 Texting Terms of Service 1. When you opt-in to the service, we will send you an SMS message to confirm your signup. By texting FOOD, COMIDA, 食物, [...]
자원 Resources Resources for your drive We want to help you make your drive a success. We have resources that will help you get organized [...]
SSI 수혜자: 이번 여름에 식품 혜택을 신청하세요 If you receive SSI/SSP benefits (Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment), you may be eligible for CalFresh food benefits and you can apply now! California had been the only state [...]
어린이와 청소년을 위한 무료 건강한 여름 식사 If you need help getting food this summer, there are over 120 locations offering food in Silicon Valley. No paperwork or identification is required. For free, healthy summer meals for [...]
실리콘 밸리의 두 번째 수확, 자금 부족으로 중요한 휴일 기부 시즌 시작 Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
Comidas de verano gratuitas y saludables para niños y 청소년 Si necesita ayuda para obtener comida este verano. Hay más de 120 lugares que ofrecen comida en los Condados de Santa Clara y San Mateo. No se requiere documentación o [...]