실제 영양: 마음에서 전달되는 건강한 요리법 February is here and we are ready to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day with chocolate, roses and much love. It's also American Heart Month! This celebration reminds us we have [...]
지역 헝거파이터: 휴이 해리스, 자원봉사팀 리더 “Local Hunger Fighters” is a series that spotlights our awesome volunteers, community partners and donors who help raise awareness of hunger in our community and motivate people to get involved. [...]
영양의 실천: 학교 점심 영감 It's that time of the year again! We are saying goodbye to summer as back-to-school season is here. As many parents are sending their children back to school, they're [...]
학교는 배고픈 아이들에게 다가가기에 좋은 장소입니다 Oak Grove High School은 Second Harvest의 매달 학교 식료품 저장실과 롤링 카트를 통해 학생들의 성공을 돕습니다. 후배 Alejandra에 미치는 영향에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.
신학기: 자녀의 학습에 도움이 되는 무료 및 건강한 학교 급식 EN ESPAÑOL Worried about how much food and housing cost? Living in the Bay Area is expensive, but healthy school meals for your kids don't have to be. Contact [...]
모금 활동 집중 조명: 로페즈 가보 식물 Shaun and Crystal founded Lopez Heirloom Plants out of their San Jose, California home in 2016. With the help of their daughters Lauren and Dylan, Shaun and Crystal source [...]