Ongeveer Katie Woodford

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Tot dusver heeft Katie Woodford 8-blogberichten gemaakt.

Food for Thought Truck's zomerdebuut

Summer vacation is in full swing! However, for families already struggling to put food on their tables with the high cost of housing in Silicon Valley, the summer months can [...]

Food for Thought Truck's zomerdebuut2021-07-09T11:34:37-07:00

Hacking Food Justice

On Saturday, May 18, a few of us from Second Harvest’s digital marketing team attended Replate’s – and our first – hackathon at General Assembly [...]

Hacking Food Justice2021-07-09T09:27:20-07:00

SSI-ontvangers: deze zomer voedselvoordelen aanvragen

If you receive SSI/SSP benefits (Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment), you may be eligible for CalFresh food benefits and you can apply now! California had been the only state [...]

SSI-ontvangers: deze zomer voedselvoordelen aanvragen2021-10-29T14:39:12-07:00

Ray's Story: Why Healthy Food Matters

Ray hopes to counsel people who have experienced trauma in their lives, but right now he is trying to get an education in one of the most expensive places [...]

Ray's Story: Why Healthy Food Matters2021-10-13T15:03:06-07:00

Een studentenkampioen - Benjamins verhaal

Your Support for the Kids Too many college students see their futures jeopardized because they struggle to get the nutritious food they need to perform in class and pursue [...]

Een studentenkampioen - Benjamins verhaal2022-04-22T11:09:23-07:00

For the Kids: Feed Kids, Nourish Lives

For the last two years, Faviola, Carlos and their three kids – 9-year-old Alex, 7-year-old Bruce and 3-year-old Destiny – have been homeless. Right now they are living in temporary [...]

For the Kids: Feed Kids, Nourish Lives2021-10-08T11:16:04-07:00