Ongeveer Second Harvest of Silicon Valley

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Tot dusver heeft Second Harvest of Silicon Valley 173-blogberichten gemaakt.

Laten we samen honger pletten!

September is Hunger Action Month – it's time to mobilize and squash hunger together. Hunger is a serious problem in our community. Nutritious food is the foundation for a healthy productive life and without [...]

Laten we samen honger pletten!2021-07-09T09:48:11-07:00

Openbare beleidsagenda 2018

Second Harvest has officially adopted the following positions on 2018 federal and state public policy issues to further our vision of a hunger-free community. Morgan Hill Library "Lunch at the [...]

Openbare beleidsagenda 20182021-10-29T14:47:08-07:00

Missie: mogelijk - Larissa Barrows

“Mission: Possible” focuses on our volunteers, without whom our mission of creating a hunger-free community would be impossible!  This month, we spoke with Larissa Barrows, a skilled volunteer in Food [...]

Missie: mogelijk - Larissa Barrows2021-10-29T11:55:50-07:00

Missie: mogelijk - Hayley

“Mission: Possible” focuses on our volunteers, without whom our mission of creating a hunger-free community would be impossible!  Hayley is a Santa Clara University student and one of the amazing [...]

Missie: mogelijk - Hayley2021-07-09T11:41:48-07:00