

What all successful fundraisers have in common is a solid goal and a plan for reaching it. With just a bit of preparation, any fundraiser can make a huge difference. Here are some tips:

  1. 设定筹款目标。设定目标是激励支持者的好方法。请记住,$1 有助于为两餐提供足够的食物。
  2. Utilize the fundraiser toolkit. Our 工具包 在您开车的每个阶段都在这里为您提供支持。不知道从哪里开始?看看我们的 fundraiser checklist.
  3. Utilize Create a QR code for your fundraiser. A 二维码 is a quick and easy way to share your fundraiser with friends, family and co-workers.


Want to host a fundraiser that’s fun, engaging and memorable? Make the fundraiser your own! Think about what makes your team, workplace, organization or school unique. What do they do better than anyone else? Build a fundraiser, complete with goals and incentives, around what makes your group unique, and reflects how you collaborate and what motivates you.




CEO挑战: When you reach a goal for your fundraiser, have your top leader do a challenge like wearing a funny costume or singing at your next virtual meeting.

高管或公司匹配: Have an executive commit to a personal match for employee giving. This could be for the whole duration of the fundraiser or just a specific day or time. If your company matches employee giving, encourage staff to double their impact during your fundraiser.

跳过咖啡或外出就餐: Encourage everyone to donate the cost of their morning coffee, a meal out or both to the fundraiser. You can even invite someone from Second Harvest to give a presentation during a lunchtime event.

举办TED演讲风格的活动: Host a livestream presentation with a speaker or panel on a topic like leadership lessons or hunger. Include a link and call to action for your attendees to donate to your fundraiser.

社交媒体接管: Have a Second Harvest-focused “takeover” of your social media accounts by sharing content from our website, social media pages and your fundraising link.

加油: 鼓励支持者将在家工作中的燃料,里程和保险节省捐献出来,以支持Second Harvest。

在线竞赛和比赛: Participants can pay to enter and donations count as votes! Create a contest that is connected somehow to your fundraiser:

  • 才艺大赛: 邀请贵公司的高管担任法官 美国达人秀-风格比赛。
  • 摄影比赛: 举办摄影比赛,并获得不同类别的奖项。我们可以建议食物类别吗?
  • 化妆比赛: 以食物为主题的比赛对此非常有用。
  • 艺术或绘画比赛: 创建一个主题或几个类别。
  • 有抱负的厨师比赛: Organize the aspiring chefs in your office to give a cooking lesson.

罚款捐款: If someone is late, their phone goes off in a meeting, or anyone commits any other office foul during the fundraiser, have them make a donation as a penalty.

别忘了! Every fundraiser, no matter the size, is helping to make a difference for our neighbors in Silicon Valley. Fundraisers provide hope — you provide hope! So, develop your plan, get creative, have fun and help our neighbors access the food they need to thrive.


校长或老师的挑战: When you reach your fundraising goal, have your top leader do a challenge like wearing a funny costume or singing at the next school-wide event.

在线竞赛和比赛: Encourage students to make a gift to participate.

  • 才艺大赛: 邀请老师担任评委 美国达人秀-风格比赛。
  • 摄影比赛: 举办摄影比赛,并获得不同类别的奖项。我们可以建议食物类别吗?
  • 化妆比赛: 以食物为主题的比赛对此非常有用。
  • 艺术或绘画比赛: 创建一个主题或几个类别。
  • 有抱负的厨师比赛: Organize the aspiring chefs in your school to give a cooking lesson.

跳过咖啡或外出就餐: Encourage everyone to donate the cost of their morning coffee, a meal out or both to the fundraiser.

社交媒体接管: Have a Second Harvest-focused “takeover” of your social media accounts by sharing content from our website, social media pages and your fundraising link.

PTA参与: Involving parents in your school’s fundraiser can be a recipe for success. If you have multiple parent organizations, encourage some friendly competition to see who can raise the most support.

阅读提要: 学生每读一本书,学校就会捐赠给Second Harvest。

额外信用: 为学生提供额外的信用机会,以在线制作礼物。

别忘了! Every fundraiser, no matter the size, is helping to make a difference for our neighbors in Silicon Valley. Fundraisers provide hope — you provide hope! So, develop your plan, get creative, have fun and help our neighbors access the food they need to thrive.

Educational activities to incorporate into your fundraiser

  • Use your fundraiser as an opportunity to create lesson plans around hunger and food insecurity. Invite someone from Second Harvest to speak to your school.
  • 主持CalFresh挑战:您每天可以吃$5吗? CalFresh是针对低收入人群的食品福利计划,在许多加州县,每天为食品分配的食品少于$5。通过这一挑战,学生可以体验到许多家庭在通过公共援助计划获得足够食物方面所面临的挣扎。 看一个例子 来自圣地亚哥饥饿联盟的挑战。
  • 举办一次乐施会饥荒宴会,戏剧化地分配食物。看看 饥饿宴会套件 来自OxFam America。




  • 路易斯·布兰特(Lois Brandt)的Maddi's冰箱
  • 威利叔叔和汤厨房DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
  • Marcia Brown的石汤
  • 梅尔罗斯·库珀(Melrose Cooper)
  • Cathryn Berger Kaye的儿童饥饿与无家可归儿童指南
  • 迈克尔·罗森(Michael J.Rosen)的《最伟大的餐桌》


  • 《镍与灰》:芭芭拉·埃伦里希(Barbara Ehrenreich)着(不是)在美国行事
  • 被驱逐:马修·戴斯蒙德(Matthew Desmond)在美国城市的贫困与利润
  • 人人免费:珍妮特·波彭迪克(Janet Poppendieck)在美国修理学校食品
  • 工作穷人:戴维·K·希普勒在美国看不见


信仰间饥饿事件: Get together with other faith-based organizations in your community to stand together in the fight against hunger. This could be a concert, a guest speaker, or any other event that works for your congregation. Encourage participants to make a gift.

跳过咖啡或外出就餐: Encourage everyone to donate the cost of their morning coffee, a meal out or both to the fundraiser. You can even invite someone from Second Harvest to give a presentation during a lunchtime event.

加油: 鼓励支持者将在家工作中的燃料和保险节余捐献出来,以支持Second Harvest。

别忘了! Every fundraiser, no matter the size, is helping to make a difference for our neighbors in Silicon Valley. Fundraisers provide hope — you provide hope! So, set your foundation, get creative, have fun and help our neighbors access the food they need to thrive.

Friends, family and individuals

Host a concert: Share music and make a difference. Encourage your concertgoers to make a donation in exchange for a ticket.

课堂或工作坊:提供收费的烹饪课,瑜伽课或更多,然后将收益捐赠给Second Harvest。您可以提供的其他课程是冥想,运动,艺术,编织或外语。

加油: 鼓励朋友和家人将在家工作中的燃料和保险储蓄捐献出来,以支持Second Harvest。

健身挑战: 想要使您的筹款活动有趣,健康且富有影响力吗?请点击 驟如下 详细了解向筹款人添加健身内容的多种方式。

在线琐事之夜: Put your knowledge to the test and have teams compete for the top spot. Encourage participants to make a gift to Second Harvest.

观赏派对: Host a watch party for a documentary or film related to food insecurity. Encourage participants to make a gift.

游戏之夜: Bring people together to socialize and play Pictionary, trivia, Bingo or other online board games. You could also organize a gaming tournament with multi-player games like Call of Duty, Rock Bank, Mario Kart or FIFA. Encourage participants to make a gift.

生日和特别活动: What better way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or other special event than to give back? Host a party and encourage others to donate instead of giving gifts.

出现日历: 鼓励家人和朋友在圣诞节期间的每一天赠送一份小礼物,例如最喜欢的健康小吃,以帮助需要帮助的邻居。

别忘了! Every fundraiser, no matter the size, is helping to make a difference for our neighbors in Silicon Valley. Fundraisers provide hope — you provide hope! So develop your plan, get creative, have fun and help our neighbors access the food they need to thrive.