Regreso a la escuela: Comida saludable gratis para ayudarle a sus hijos a aprender ¿Está preocupado por los precios de la comida y de su hogar? Es caro vivir en el Area de la Bahía, pero no debería de preocuparse por el precio [...]
الجوع الصيفي: منظور الرعاية الصحية Special post by Lisa Chamberlain, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Janine Bruce, DrPH, MPH, Stanford School of Medicine “Today's park lunch. Flat bread turkey and cheese sandwich, apple, [...]
ضاعف هديتك: العطاء الشهري وزيادة تبرعاتك Second Harvest’s supporters believe in our efficiency and the essential role we play in feeding our communities. Donors can maximize their contributions by signing up for monthly giving during [...]
New Summer Food Program “SUN Bucks” Will Help Families With Children Purchase Food This Summer Second Harvest is urging families to file a “free and reduced-price meals” form at school—an easy way to become eligible With the launch of the U.S. Department of [...]
ردنا على إغلاق الحكومة A sense of urgency characterized the last weeks of January, for our commitment to ensuring access to healthy food necessitated a quick response during the government shutdown. Media coverage [...]
الحصاد الثاني لوادي السيليكون يدخل موسم العطلات الحرج مع عجز في التمويل Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
التغذية في العمل: الربيع في الموسم الجديد مع الأكل الصحي March is National Nutrition Month! Our nutrition department continues to encourage our clients to spring into healthy eating habits and incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. View this [...]
بناء المجتمع والصداقات حول الغذاء في شقق Bella Terra، يجتمع السكان معًا للاستمتاع بالمحادثات الممتعة حول الطعام والمشاركة في الأحداث التي تنظمها الإدارة وغالبًا ما يقومون بالطهي لبعضهم البعض.