We sat down with Leslie Bacho, new CEO at Second Harvest, to learn more about her background, leadership style and thoughts about food-banking. She brings a wealth of food-banking [...]
با مدیر عامل جدید ما - لزلی باچو آشنا شویدبرداشت دوم سیلیکون ولی2021-10-13T14:50:40-07:00
Being a young family in Silicon Valley is not without its difficulties and many young families have a hard time making ends meet as they work to build a brighter [...]
خانواده جوان سن خوزه به آینده ای روشن تر می نگرندبرداشت دوم سیلیکون ولی2017-09-29T21:22:32-07:00
With 91,000 public college students (community and four-year/public schools) in Silicon Valley, hunger on college campus is a real problem in our community. A 2015 San Jose State University [...]
مبارزه با گرسنگی در دانشگاه ایالتی سن خوزهبرداشت دوم سیلیکون ولی2021-10-13T15:27:32-07:00