Grazie al Consiglio For the Kids del 2024 per il suo investimento di $100.000 o più

Despite the wealth in our area, a cost-of-living crisis is leaving many families unable to pay rent and still put food on the table. Second Harvest is here to ensure our neighbors have the nutritious food they need. We are serving an average of half a million neighbors every month — and nearly 140,000 are children.

Your support helps provide the nutritious food our children need to learn, grow and develop, providing nourishment today and contributing to a brighter future tomorrow.

Second Harvest utilizzerà la tua donazione nel modo più efficace ed efficiente possibile:

  • – 95% of contributions go to client programs, which help ensure kids in Silicon Valley have access to nutritious, wholesome food all year.
  • – For the 16th year in a row, Second Harvest has received Charity Navigator’s 4-star (highest) rating, achieving a perfect score of 100 for impact and results and accountability and finances.
  • – Your generosity to Second Harvest also supports the entire food assistance system in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. That’s because we supply free food to almost every nonprofit in the area that provides groceries and meals to neighbors.

As we commemorate Second Harvest’s 50-year anniversary of serving the Silicon Valley community, thank you for being by our side as a trusted partner. We were founded by the community, for the community, and each of us has a role in making Santa Clara and San Mateo counties livable for all of us today. We are grateful that you are part of Second Harvest’s legacy – thank you for helping build a hunger-free future for Silicon Valley.

For the Kids Council Members

Non possiamo farcela da soli, ma possiamo farcela con il tuo aiuto. Il Consiglio For the Kids del 2024 corrisponderà a tutte le donazioni idonee dal 1 marzo al 31 maggio 2024, raddoppiando l'impatto di ogni dollaro donato. Per i membri del Consiglio dei bambini verrà annotata nella relazione annuale.

2024 Per i co-presidenti dei bambini

  • Sheryl Sandberg, Fondatore, Lean In
  • Tom Bernthal, Fondatore, Kelton Global
  • Reid Hoffman, Co-fondatore di LinkedIn e partner di Greylock Partners

    As of March 2024

    Jimi and Ned Barnholt
    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein
    Susan Bockus e Michael Brown
    Jen Burkham e Jason Krikorian
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    Giovanni Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Kristen e Doug Edwards
    Mary Jane (MJ) Elmore
    Steve e Colleen Hall
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione Jaggers
    Famiglia Khosla
    Famiglia Pichai
    Geoff e Andrea Ralston
    Jake e Robin Reynolds
    Jeff e Marieke Rothschild
    Sheryl Sandberg e Tom Bernthal
    Thomas Schmutz e Amy Larson
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Bruce e Cynthia Sewell
    Fondazione Punto Forte
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Fondazione Valhalla
    La famiglia Werner

    For the Kids Council Member PhotographsDall'aprile 2023

    Ned e Jimi Barnholt
    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein
    Susan Bockus e Michael Brown
    Jen Burkham e Jason Krikorian
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Mary Jane (MJ) Elmore
    Bill e Amy Gurley
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Michael Jacobson e Trine Sorensen
    Fondazione Jaggers
    Jeff e Karen Jordan
    Famiglia Khosla
    Famiglia Pichai
    Geoff e Andrea Ralston
    Jake e Robin Reynolds
    Jeff e Marieke Rothschild
    Sheryl Sandberg e Tom Bernthal
    Philipp Schindler
    Thomas Schmutz e Amy Larson
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Bruce e Cynthia Sewell
    La Fondazione Strongpoint
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Holly e Jeff Ullman
    Fondazione Valhalla
    La famiglia Werner

    A partire da maggio 2022

    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein
    Susan Bockus e Michael Brown
    Jen Burkham e Jason Krikorian
    Famiglia Byers
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Bill e Amy Gurley
    Debbie e Ward Harriman
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Fondazione Jaggers
    Famiglia Khosla
    Geoff e Andrea Ralston
    Jake e Robin Reynolds
    Sheryl Sandberg e Tom Bernthal
    Philipp Schindler
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    La Fondazione Strongpoint
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Fondazione Valhalla
    Fermi Wang e Jean Aida Kung

    For the Kids Council Member PhotographsElena Marimo Berk
    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein
    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Jen Burkham e Jason Krikorian
    Famiglia Byers
    Lydia Callaghan
    Jeff Chambers e Andi Okamura
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Fondazione della famiglia Eustace-Kwan
    Bill e Amy Gurley
    Debbie e Ward Harriman
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Fondazione Jaggers
    Famiglia Khosla
    Fondo Moondance
    Famiglia Pichai
    Geoff e Andrea Ralston
    Sheryl Sandberg e Tom Bernthal
    Philipp Schindler
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Bruce e Cynthia Sewell
    La Fondazione Strongpoint
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Dare la luce del sole
    Fondazione Valhalla

    Grazie ai membri del 2020 For the Kids Council:

    Elena Marimo Berk*
    Louis e Joan Braddi
    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein*
    Susan Bockus e Michael Brown
    Terry e Anne Clark
    Fondazione della famiglia Chambers
    Jeff Chambers e Andi Okamura*
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Alan Eustace e Kathy Kwan
    Bill e Amy Gurley
    Gary e Kathie Heidenreich
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Kurt e Sue Jaggers
    Jeff e Karen Jordan
    Famiglia Khosla
    John e Tashia Morgridge
    Partner di Qatalyst
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Philipp e Andrea Schindler
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Mark e Mary Stevens
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Dare la luce del sole
    La Fondazione Strongpoint

    *Impegno adempiuto in più anni.

    Elena Marimo Berk
    Gary e Catherine Briggs
    Brian Birtwistle e Julie Bornstein
    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Jeff Chambers e Andi Okamura
    Fondazione Famiglia Chizen
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Rebecca Jacoby
    Famiglia Khosla
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Philipp Schindler e Andrea Willms
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Dare la luce del sole

    Elena Marimo Berk*
    Gary e Catherine Briggs*
    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Jeff Chambers e Andi Okamura*
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John e Ann Doerr
    Eileen e John Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Doug e Kristen Edwards
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven*
    Reid Hoffman
    Rebecca Jacoby
    Robert Kotick
    Partner di Qatalyst
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Philipp Schindler e Andrea Willms
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Dare la luce del sole

    Gary e Catherine Briggs
    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Jeff Chambers e Andi Okamura
    John e Ann Doerr
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Doug e Kristen Edwards
    Reid Hoffman
    Fondazione della famiglia Hoven
    Rebecca Jacoby
    Kurt e Sue Jaggers
    Partner di Qatalyst
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Philipp Schindler e Andrea Willms
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Dare la luce del sole
    David Sze e Kathleen Donohue

    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Doug e Kristen Edwards
    Fondazione della famiglia Eustace-Kwan
    Rebecca Jacoby
    Kurt e Sue Jaggers
    Jesse e Melinda Rogers
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Mike Schroepfer ed Erin Hoffmann
    Jerome Simon e Hilary Bates
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Fondazione che dona la luce del sole

    Michael Brown e Susan Bockus
    Bill e Tammy Crown
    John ed Eileen Donahoe
    John ed Ellen Drew
    Doug e Kristen Edwards
    Fondazione della famiglia Eustace-Kwan
    La squadra di poker di Goldie
    Rebecca Jacoby
    John O'Farrell e Gloria Principe
    Randy Pond
    Sheryl Sandberg
    Jerome Simon e Hilary Bates|
    Mark Stevens e Mary Murphy
    Godfrey e Suzanne Sullivan
    Fondazione che dona la luce del sole
    La Fondazione Frank e Denise Quattrone