실리콘 밸리의 두 번째 수확, 자금 부족으로 중요한 휴일 기부 시즌 시작 Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
한 번의 비상사태가 가족을 영원히 바꿀 수 있습니다 – 그레이스와 조셉을 만나보세요 "One emergency can change a family forever. Days after Grace* gave birth to her third and youngest child, complications from labor caused an unexpected series of heart attacks in [...]
만수르의 이야기: 역경에 대한 희망 In the United States, seniors are the fastest growing food-insecure population. Currently, 1 in 12 seniors face hunger. Over the next decade, the number of seniors struggling with hunger is [...]