Meer smaak, minder zout: een schuldvrije manier om van smakelijke gerechten te genieten Written by: Diana Garcia, Nutrition Education Manager Recently, in a class, I was asked why Second Harvest doesn’t distribute fresh herbs. I replied that I thought herbs are not [...]
Fondsenwerving in de spotlight: Lopez Heirloom Plants Shaun and Crystal founded Lopez Heirloom Plants out of their San Jose, California home in 2016. With the help of their daughters Lauren and Dylan, Shaun and Crystal source [...]
2019 California Association of Food Banks Conference en Capital Action Day Source: Marc Berman’s Twitter. Left to right: Andrew Cheyne, Director of Government Affairs at California Association of Food Banks; Marc Berman, California Assemblymember, 24th District; Tracy Weatherby, Vice President [...]
Nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat inflatie en hoge gasprijzen hun tol eisen van lokale gezinnen Een recent onderzoek onder de klanten van Second Harvest of Silicon Valley toont aan dat hogere kosten en hoge gasprijzen een aanzienlijke tol eisen van lokale gezinnen, waarbij 93% meldt dat ze minder voedsel hebben gekocht vanwege de impact van inflatie.
Nutrition in Action: inspiratie voor de schoollunch It's that time of the year again! We are saying goodbye to summer as back-to-school season is here. As many parents are sending their children back to school, they're [...]