Наш ответ на закрытие правительства A sense of urgency characterized the last weeks of January, for our commitment to ensuring access to healthy food necessitated a quick response during the government shutdown. Media coverage [...]
Еда и начало выздоровления — история Алекса “If Second Harvest hadn’t been providing me with fresh groceries it could have changed my focus. I was trying to repair my life before my [...]
Конференция Калифорнийской ассоциации продовольственных банков 2019 года и День капитала Source: Marc Berman’s Twitter. Left to right: Andrew Cheyne, Director of Government Affairs at California Association of Food Banks; Marc Berman, California Assemblymember, 24th District; Tracy Weatherby, Vice President [...]
Питание в действии: здоровые рецепты от нашего сердца до вашего February is here and we are ready to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day with chocolate, roses and much love. It's also American Heart Month! This celebration reminds us we have [...]
В центре внимания по сбору средств: Фамильные растения Lopez Shaun and Crystal founded Lopez Heirloom Plants out of their San Jose, California home in 2016. With the help of their daughters Lauren and Dylan, Shaun and Crystal source [...]
Второй урожай Кремниевой долины вступает в критический сезон отпусков с дефицитом финансирования Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]