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CalFresh Espanol CalFresh Sirva alimentos saludables Las tarjetas CalFresh EBT se pueden usar para comprar alimentos y productos agrícolas frescos en tiendas y mercados de granjeros participantes. Solicite [...]
Nutrition in Action: Hey There, Fennel In the past month, we've seen fennel at many of our food distributions. Most of our members are unfamiliar with it, so our food demos have been very successful [...]
Food and the Beginning of Recovery – Alex’s Story “If Second Harvest hadn’t been providing me with fresh groceries it could have changed my focus. I was trying to repair my life before my [...]
Nutrition in Action: Healthy Recipes from Our Heart to Yours February is here and we are ready to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day with chocolate, roses and much love. It's also American Heart Month! This celebration reminds us we have [...]
Local Hunger Fighter: Huey Harris, Volunteer Team Leader “Local Hunger Fighters” is a series that spotlights our awesome volunteers, community partners and donors who help raise awareness of hunger in our community and motivate people to get involved. [...]
Schools are a Great Place to Reach Hungry Kids Oak Grove High School helps its students succeed with a monthly school pantry and rolling carts from Second Harvest. Read more about their impact on junior Alejandra.