夏季饥饿:卫生保健的观点 Special post by Lisa Chamberlain, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Janine Bruce, DrPH, MPH, Stanford School of Medicine “Today's park lunch. Flat bread turkey and cheese sandwich, apple, [...]
Regreso a la escuela:Comida值得称赞的免费ausdarle a sus hijos aprender ¿Está preocupado por los precios de la comida y de su hogar? Es caro vivir en el Area de la Bahía, pero no debería de preocuparse por el precio [...]
都欢迎 A man hears laughter rising from a neighbor's yard. Vibrant heads of cabbage peak out of brown boxes, and jugs of milk swing in small hands to the rhythm [...]
New Summer Food Program “SUN Bucks” Will Help Families With Children Purchase Food This Summer Second Harvest is urging families to file a “free and reduced-price meals” form at school—an easy way to become eligible With the launch of the U.S. Department of [...]
健康和安全 Our response to the economic crisis caused by the pandemic Second Harvest rapidly expands operations as the need for food doubles Second Harvest is deemed [...]
硅谷的第二次收获要求社区提供资金,因为捐款减少,费用增加,社区需求上升到接近大流行的水平 Second Harvest of Silicon Valley 正在紧急呼吁捐款,因为对其服务的需求继续上升到接近流行病高峰期的水平。与两年前食物银行服务的人数相似时相比,财政捐款减少了 37%。
硅谷的第二次收获因资金短缺进入关键的假期 Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
联系我们 Contact Us Curtner Center 750 Curtner Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 Google Maps Phone: 408-266-8866 Fax: 408-266-9042 Regular Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Closed [...]