Regreso a la escuela:Comida值得称赞的免费ausdarle a sus hijos aprender ¿Está preocupado por los precios de la comida y de su hogar? Es caro vivir en el Area de la Bahía, pero no debería de preocuparse por el precio [...]
硅谷的第二次收获因资金短缺进入关键的假期 Donations are down, but need remains high as many local families struggle to recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Highlights: Second Harvest’s annual fundraising goal [...]
Colleen Murphy:庆祝抗击饥饿十年 Ten years ago, on her birthday, Colleen received a phone call, informing her that she got a job at Second Harvest. With great excitement, she responded it was the best [...]
圣克拉拉县图书馆区的罚款食品 On April 7, our staff was very excited to attend Santa Clara County Library District's launch event of its first ever "Food for Fines" Program! From Left to Right: Diane [...]